1、高效清洗能力:等离子清洗机采用等离子体技术,能够在较短时间内高效清洗物体表面的污垢、油脂、氧化物等有机或无机杂质,提供卓越的清洁效果。 2、多种清洗模式:等离子清洗机通常具有多种清洗模式和程序,可以根据不同物体和清洗要求进行选择,以满足不同的应用需求。 3、无机溶剂清洗:相较于传统的溶剂清洗方法,等离子……
1, the use of imported high-efficiency Ultrasonic transducer, concentrated strength, cleaning effect; 2, the use of 304 stainless steel tank, manual argon we……
1、超声波清洗槽内配置冷凝盘管,能有效的控制易燃易爆清洗溶剂的挥发速度和温度,提高设备安全性。 2、防爆电柜可切断可燃气体与99精品欧美一区二区蜜桃免费电气控制单元接触的可能性,从而防止99精品欧美一区二区蜜桃免费在清洗过程中燃烧和爆炸,避免火宅的发生。 3、采用多工位高频超声波组合对轰方式,高频超声波换能器,既可深入缝隙清洗,又不损伤工……
1、数显产品的出厂日期 2、数显记忆和设定的煮沸时间 3、数显记忆和设定的加热温度和实际温度 4、数显无溶液保护指示 5、仪器的操作程序采用单片机软件 6、清洗架和噪音盖采用自动升降式控制 7、数显产品的累计工作时间 8、数显记忆和设定的煮沸功率 9、数显超温度、超电压、……
1, the use of city-state motors, accurate positioning, flexible arm handling; 2, fully closed management, to ensure that the cleaning environment clean; ……
1, Soak kitchen utensils to remove oil and other food residues. 2, Using food grade 304 stainless steel tank, manual argon welding, thickening to 2 mm, stron……
1. ultrasonic cleaning tank equipped with condensing coil, can effectively control the volatile velocity and temperature of flammable and explosive cleaning sol……
1. ultrasonic cleaning tank equipped with condensing coil, can effectively control the volatile velocity and temperature of flammable and explosive cleaning sol……
1, The anilox roller ultrasonic cleaning machine mainly used for cleaning water-based ink, UV curing ink, glue, silicone oil and other solvents. 2. It adopt……
1, The anilox roller ultrasonic cleaning machine mainly used for cleaning water-based ink, UV curing ink, glue, silicone oil and other solvents. 2. It adopt……
1, the use of city-state motors, accurate positioning, flexible arm handling; 2, fully closed management, to ensure that the cleaning environment clean; ……
1、槽体采用进口不锈钢制造,外形美观大方。 2、采用进口换能器和超声波发生器,超声波输出率高。 3、采用进口粘接剂和独特粘接工艺,确保换能器在100℃水温长时间工作。 4、设有自动温控加热装置,温控范围:常温-100℃。 5、超声波发生器和缸体分体结构,采用高频线座连接。 本产品支持非标定……
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