【Zhonghuan Shares】Semiconductor automatic ultrasonic cleaning machine engineering case
The Semiconductor industry is the core of the modern electronics industry and the Semiconductor industry is based on the……
【Foxconn】Mesh belt ultrasonic cleaning machine engineering case
According to the project, electronics manufacturing is the industrial sector that manufactures electronic equipment, ele……
【CRRC】Gantry arm type ultrasonic cleaning machine project case
According to the project description, rail transit is a kind of vehicle or transportation system that the operating vehi……
【BYD】Through the ultrasonic cleaning machine engineering case
Project description, new Energy (NE) : also known as unconventional energy. Refers to all forms of energy other than con……
【Huaxing Optoelectronics】Automatic hydrocarbon ultrasonic cleaning machine engineering case
Strategic and forward-looking research work in the field of optics and optoelectronics at the frontier of applied basic ……
合作单位:爱默生集团 所属行业:电气行业 清洗零件:产品零部件 清洗设备:全自动气相制超声波清洗设备 ……
【Chow Tai Fook】Small desktop ultrasonic cleaning machine project case
According to the introduction of the project, jewelry refers to the raw materials and semi-finished products of jewelry,……
【Green card】Shutter ultrasonic cleaning machine project case
Project description, the shutter is a window style, originated in China. In ancient Chinese architecture, there are mull……
【Geely Hundred Mine】Gantry arm type ultrasonic cleaning machine project case
According to the project, the coal industry is an industry that mainly mines coal resources. It is one of the main sourc……
【Sun Yat-sen University】Floor-standing LCD ultrasonic cleaning machine project case
According to the description of the project, the laboratories can be divided into three categories: the first category b……
【Sinopharm Group】Single-tank ultrasonic cleaning machine engineering case
medicine; Medicament is a substance or preparation for the prevention, treatment, or diagnosis of human and animal disea……
【GAC Group】Robotic arm ultrasonic cleaning machine project case
The introduction of the project, auto parts (auto parts) is composed of the whole of the various units and services in t……
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